Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Trainscapes: STATION EDITION

OK, I just saw this for the first time recently and I have to tell you I FREAKING LOVE these murals.. so so so f*cking cute.


Anonymous said...

Love this! What station is this?

Anders said...

YAY! I just saw this yesterday. It's the new Belmont station. Such a nice stop. I wish they'd do something to bring the Wilson stop back to its original glory.

Anonymous said...

Great murals! This would cheer up anyone 's day. Love it.

Nic said...

LOVE that this is my stop!

Anonymous said...

It's kinda Fisher Pricey

Chicago's Bi Guy said...

Hey this is my stop also... oh and just to let you know I talked to the guy that hands out the RedEye each morning he said they are going to fix the ground so it's not as slippery