and in retaliation, I post a picture of her FUPA.
a somewhat snarky, sometimes cranky, borderline stalker-y view of the world from my seat on the bus. No offense meant to anyone.. all of these stories are just made up. I really know nothing about you. And I care even less. I love watching the urbanites as they do their daily dance along the train tracks and bus routes...They make me happy. And sleepy.
This is why eating and drinking are prohibited on CTA vehicles, despite the multitude of arrogant "doesn't apply to me" eaters and drinkers one sees every day. God help the next person who spills on me.
That is exactly why I resisted opening my XL bag of garret's "mix" popcorn on the Red Line today after lunch. I waited until I got to my office until I scarfed down half the bag.
Oh, and I'm not even kidding.
anders, on behalf of myself, thank you!
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